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3D Modeling co-design sessions at Erindiroukambe

A trip to Erindiroukambe (our research site) was scheduled for the weekend of the 16-18th October. The team which consisted

of Gereon Koch Kapuire (team leader), Michael Chamunorwa (honors student) and Donovan Maasz (honors student) who departed for Erindiroukambe late on Friday evening. The two students spent the major part of the journey implementing final touches to the prototypes they wished to test. Arriving early Saturday morning, there was not much time to rest, after a short nap and some breakfast, the team set about planning the day's schedule. They all agreed that three sessions would be held with willing community members. Again, the first participant was not difficult to find, Alex participated in the first session for both student's. The second participant was an elder lady who lives a few homestead away from where the team were based. In addition to the elders, two youth were also selected to participate in the last session to find out the differences in perception etc between the elders who are knowledge elders and the community youth who depend on them.

During this trip, the team had an opportunity of observing a cattle branding activity as it happened, one of the students found this useful as his thesis had a 3D simulation of this activity, through first hand observation, the student was able to dispel some of the misconceptions and inaccurate model representations he had included in his prototype. The team had supper by the fire outside discussing about lessons they had all learnt. The following day, they departed for Windhoek. The results obtained during this trip were used by the students to finish up their thesis which were due in the coming week.

Alex (elder on the right) participated in the session with Michael, while Gereon facilitates.

Alex (elder on the right) participated in the session with Michael, while Gereon facilitates.

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