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Bridging the Gaps in the HCI and UX World

During the 13th to the 15th of April 2016, Gereon Koch Kapuire attended a conference to engage with

professionals, entrepreneurs, academics and all people passionate in Human Computer Interaction and User Experience. The conference was held in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was the 2nd international Human Computer Interaction and User Experience conference in Indonesia. The paper which was presented titled “An UX and Usability expression of Pastoral OvaHimba: Personas in the Making and Doing”. We presented co-design efforts with pastoral ovaHimba in Namibia considering that when co-designing technologies with a community for the first times, we learn what generates primary interest, constant engagement, reciprocity, and a sense of joy in gaining useful, courteous and inspiring experiences is a sensible obligation to the skilful designer. Keynotes speakers were Elizabeth Churchill, Director of User Experience at Google; Barry Brown, Professor at Stockholm University and research director at Mobile Life; Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Co-Director, Keio-NUS CUTE CENTER; Mark Billinghurst¸ Professor at University of South Australia.

CHIuxID 2016 conference participants toured around Indonesia. We visited the museum, to experience the voice recorded speech of the first President of Indonesia, as part of the excursion we saw the live Smart City.

Elizabeth Churchill (Director of User Experience at Google), delivering a Keynote speech

User Experience activities during the conference


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