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Rosetha Kays

Lecturer of Computer Science, Namibia University of Science and Technology


  • Postgraduate Certificate in Higher EDU (NUST
  • Master of Computer Science (NUST)
  • B.Comp.Sc.Hons Software Dev. (NUST)
  • B.IT. Soft. Dev. (PoN)

Research Interest: HCI, Design, Co-Design

Kays Rosetha , Goagoses Naska , Winschiers-Theophilus Heike . 2023. Designing for Educational Resilience to Reduce School Dropout: A Case Study of Namibian San Learners. ACM J. Comput. Sustain. Soc. 1, 2, Article 9 (December 2023), 21 pages.

Itenge Helvi , Kays Rosetha , Auala Selma , Chivuno-Kuria Shilumbe , Peter, Kaulyaalalwa , Makosa Isaac . 2023. Co-Designing Technologies with Children. In Proceedings of the 4th African Human Computer Interaction Conference (AfriCHI '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 300–303.

Kays Rosetha ,. Gamundani Attlee . 2020. Policy implications on ICT integration in namibian basic education ecosystem. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Computing Applications (ICONIC '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 14, 1–7.