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TheKnowledge Fair 13-15 April 2021 in the Kunene Region

The SCIONA Knowledge Fair, a first of its kind in Namibia, is slated to take place on 13-15 April 2021 in

the Kunene Region. The Knowledge Fair is a major event under the EU-funded SCIONA project, titled: “Co-designing conservation technologies for Iona-Skeleton Coast Transfrontier Conservation Area”. It aims to bring together community members, researchers, park managers, rangers, government departments, and non-governmental organisations, in a common space that they can share knowledge on how to realise sustainable ecosystem management. This platform will allow for the showcasing of research to communities, who will in turn give feedback from an indigenous knowledge perspective. The concept was inspired by the eBario Knowledge Fair, which is a bi-annual event held in the rainforest of Borneo, in South East Asia.

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