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Locals using technological tools in the ancient art of storytelling

Never in a million years would the folks from the village of Erindiroukambe in the Omaheke Region, Eastern side of Na

Community engagement and technology testing in Hardap region
As a National Project to preserve IK two teams from NUST (FCI) and UNAM (MRC) embarked on a trip to conduct research in Hardap region. The NUST Team primary focus was to test a co-designed tool which records IK and to develop a community engagement,
Community-based co-design in Okomakuara - A contribution to ‘Design in the wild’

PDC 2014 Workshop: 4th of October 2014 8h30-16h30

Contact: Gereon Kapuire

Refining crowdsourced requirements

On July 20 a five man team consisting of two lecturers Mr Gereon Koch Kapuire and Mr Colin Stanley, P

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