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Rosetha Kays (Masters)
Principal Supervisor : Prof. Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Namibia University of Science and Technology

Developing a counseling platform to reduce SAN learners' school dropout rates.

School dropouts have been a concern in Namibia, especially among San learners. Thus, this research focuses on the development of a counselling platform to reduce San learner’s dropout rate in Namibian high schools. The study will be evaluating current technologies used elsewhere to prevent learners dropping out of school. Different approaches is used such as early warning systems based on school performance factors, smart classrooms detecting learner’s emotional state as well as digital counselling. Thus, in this study we will be collecting success and failure stories from former San high school learners. The collected stories will be co-curated with the San youth for inclusion in the digital counselling platform. The platform will be tested and evaluated in selected schools where San learners are enrolled.