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Digital Cultural Heritage with the Ovahimba

Over the years, a large amount of data on the Ovahimba communities has been recorded and documented. However, this collection and dissemination are mainly done from an outsider's perspective (Saarinen, 2011). Data interpretations and validations almost always omitted the very "subjects" of the research. There is, therefore, a risk that the data does not truly represent the culture of the Ovahimba communities but is merely an interpretation of outsiders.

The overarching objective is to safeguard the cultural heritage of the Ovahimba by co-creating a digital repository of intangible cultural Ovahimba heritage in collaboration with the Ovahimba community members from Kunene, based on previous recordings.

The collected, cleaned records will be archived at the Basler Afrika Bibliographien and Namibia's National Archives. Further, the collection will also be stored at NUST library with open access for all interested stakeholders and the general Namibian public. This archive will then be made available to national and international researchers in a digital format under an open license.

The records being multilingual multi-media will be broadcasted among Ovahimba community members to reinstate cultural pride and acknowledge their indigenous knowledge. Namibia national radio services, especially the Otjiherero radio and others if possible, will ensure broader community access to the audio recordings of the Ovahimba cultural heritage. Global access is targeted to be achieved by other media of communication such as usage of the Internet (Wikipedia), Namibia' National Broadcasting (NBC), partnership with Mobile Telecommunication Company (MTC), MultiChoice Namibia, Namibia filming commission, and more. It is also envisaged that the records be used in artistic, crafts and commercial products directly benefiting the Ovahimba communities. Funded by Carl Schlettwein Foundation.

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