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Gereon Koch Kapuire ( PhD Candidate )
Principal Supervisor  Prof. Margot Brereton, Queensland University of Technology
Associate Supervisor Dr. Alessandro Soro, Queensland University of Technology
External supervisor Prof. Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Namibia University of Science and Technology

Community Collaboration Framework for Co-Design of Technology and Services


We have been co-designing technology with indigenous people for over 7 years, where, sessions were initiated by local and external researchers. Many researchers lack the skills and knowledge to be able to build, develop and maintain the relationship with indigenous communities. Equally the community has not developed strong mechanisms of expressing their own set of rules of appropriate interactions. Thus, my objective is to develop a framework for co-design of technology and services to support alien researchers and indigenous communities’ engagement. A Community-Based Co-Design (CBCD) approach is used which takes place within a communal value system and opens up a new debate around the principles of participation and its benefits within HCI4D and ICTD projects. Therefore, our relationship as researchers with any community has to strive for reciprocity, as the notion of reciprocity can lead to sustainable designs, valid research, and profound innovation.