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Rosetha Kays [Masters]
Principal Supervisor : Prof. Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Namibia University of Science and Technology

Developing Technology To Strengthen Resilience In San Children To Reduce School Dropouts

With a particular focus on curbing high school dropout rates in the Donkerbos Village, Omaheke Region, Kays, a NUST Computer Software Engineering lecturer in the Faculty of Computing and Informatics, has developed a prototype mobile counseling platform for primary school learners. The study is titled: "Developing Technology to Strengthen Resilience in San Children to Reduce School Dropouts." The research explored current technologies being used to provide counseling services to San children facing social hardships, considering factors such as social circumstances, cultural adversity, community problems, and family issues, among others. Online counseling on web or mobile platforms already exists; however, many of the services are generic. Thus, this study is context-specific. The mobile counselling platform was developed based on co-curated data extracted from narratives of successful San youth, as well as those who had previously dropped out of school, and current issues identified by the primary school learners. An evaluation of the effectiveness of the application was conducted after involving the learners in the project, using psychological tools and resources to assess their level of resilience. The assessment revealed a positive change in the learners' understanding of others' feelings, self-awareness, self-esteem, coping with stress, demonstrating empathy, and knowing whom to consult when in need of assistance. One learner quoted, "I know where to go for help when I have a problem; I try to work out problems by talking about them; I have goals and plans for the future; I can work out my problems; I believe I will be successful. My parents are interested in my schoolwork. I know how to solve my problems. My teacher is interested in my schoolwork." Furthermore, the study is currently ongoing, focusing on the development of an customized response digital tool. The project's progress signifies a continued commitment to addressing the mental health challenges faced by San learners and promoting their academic success.
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